Tag Archives: Art

On art and travel

Task for this week: to write a short piece of prose or story opener inspired by an object that we brought to the group. We wrote two pieces: one on a piece we brought in ourselves (mine an origami rose) and a second about an object someone else had brought (an illuminated globe).

Her piano player’s fingers, long, smooth and ivory, lightly held her partner. It was a slow start as they tried to decide on the choreography. He was a blank sheet, receptive to anything she wanted to try. Perfectly proportioned for her, he held so much promise. Suddenly inspired, they danced a merry jig of sharply executed manoeuvres as he responded to her lead, muscle memory replacing thought. With each step, a form began to emerge as this was no ordinary dance – this was the dance of paper folding, of origami…

A Life Well Travelled
Roger’s studio flat was somewhat unremarkable at first glimpse. It was small and square, dominated by dark mahogany furniture which it some might have been considered too oppressive, especially as there was little light filtering in through the grimy window. But it was when darkness fell that the room came alive. The eye was drawn to a rather large object tucked away in one corner – an illuminated globe. This was Roger’s most treasured possession. It mapped his other life away from this dark hovel, each little sticker charting a country to which he had travelled; and there were plenty of those. You see Roger had foregone a conventional life dominated by material goods and instead forged a life centred on seeing the world…